10959NAT - Certificate I in Life Skills
We are the proud owners of this course and believe that there is a great need for its content. It covers the basic life skills that so many young people have missed out on.
This course would be appropriate not only for people with disabilities but for youth that are homeless or who have missed out on formal education for whatever reason. This course while it has electives around employment its focus is to get the participant working through the basic life skills that they will need today and into the future.
The 10959NAT Certificate I in Life Skills addresses the participants core personal development, and work-related knowledge. It then gives the student the choice of three industry related areas of either Administration, Horticulture, and Hospitality as the electives. You can even mix these up.
Please contact our office if you require any further information or would like a brochure on 10959NAT Certificate I in Life Skills
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